Exhibiciones y Books
Museo Simik / “Rasgos y Rastros” Argentina 2010
Festival Sabor Barranquilla, Colombia 2017
Open San Felipe casa DUST “Utopias del consumo”, Colombia 2019
Mercuria Gallery / Éxtasis Visual, Colombia
Contemporary Art Observatory, Cartagena 2022
Seed Gallery / Paris 2021
Horizonte Zingst “Dirty Hands”, Germany 2022
Minimal Book https://bit.ly/3BgSjyo
Abrazar la tierra https://www.hammbredecultura.com/product-page/abrazar-la-tierra
Behind the Scenes 大片幕后 Book, China https://bit.ly/3cUTKZZ
Creaciones e iconos culinarios de los andes, Book https://bit.ly/3RDY0vA
Los andes y los alimentos del futuro, book https://bit.ly/3ATzWhv
Awards and mentions:
Pink Lady food photographer of the year 2016
Off festival Colombia winner design an foto
La Silla Vacia “ El futuro de la coca debe ser de los andes” https://bit.ly/3TL11vX
Zingst https://www.zingst.de/fotografen/alejandro-osses
Latiness https://latinness.com/en/the-markets-of-colombia-by-alejandro-osses/
The Carton Magazine https://www.alejandroosses.com/the-carton
Put a Egg on it “ Paseo de Olla “ https://www.alejandroosses.com/paseodeolla
INFOBAE “Del campo a la olla: una posible revolución gastronómica en Colombia” https://bit.ly/3KSZXST
070 “Colombian corrientazo” https://bit.ly/3ALF8nC
Mucho Colombia https://bit.ly/3AWOcWD
Vice “ Colombian Corrientazo” https://www.alejandroosses.com/vicecover
Eater “How to Eat Your Way Through 24 Perfect Hours in Bogotá”. https://bit.ly/2KYnO6p
Eater “What 'Reopened' Restaurants Look Like in 17 Cities Worldwide” https://bit.ly/3RnmGsy
Eater “If You Only Go to One Restaurant in Bogotá, Go to Salvo Patria” https://bit.ly/3cPNJOf
Eater “A Cheat Sheet to Colombian Food” https://bit.ly/2PaqAs3
Eater “From Coca to Cocoa” https://bit.ly/3BgR9mw
Eater “ Nine Electric, Intoxicating Hours Inside Bogotá’s Wildest Party “ https://bit.ly/2q1rWXO
Eater “Fruit Is the Best Thing You’ll Eat in Bogotá” https://bit.ly/2yqnneb
Bacanika https://www.bacanika.com/seccion-diseno/que-hacen-los-fotografos-en-cuarentena.html
BY NY1 NOTICIAS NUEVA YORK https://bit.ly/3TM6tyE
Sobremesa “https://sobremesacom.co/la-comida-es-todo-para-mi-alejandro-osses/”
Domestika https://www.domestika.org/es/courses/1704-fotografia-gastronomica-a-todo-color
El Colombiano “Fotografía gastronómica en crudo” https://bit.ly/3Rltxm9